Feliz Navidad

The Reason For The Season

My mother loves Christmas more than any other holiday, and, frankly, it shows. With a variety of Christmas trees here and a number of nativity scenes there, somehow she creates the kind of Winter Wonderland that isn’t always possible in Southwest Texas, where average Christmas temperatures sit in the low 70s. Believe me—there’s a reason why I choose to spend my time there than in frigid New York City.

But it’s obviously more than the aesthetics of Christmas, and the gifts, that bring me so much happiness. I’m very blessed to come from a strong, supportive family, one that welcomes me back home with wide open arms. While I know that might not be the case for everyone, especially my queer siblings around the country, I hope that we each have found the kind of family (either biological or chosen) to remind us that there’s a reason for the season. That reason can be whatever we want it to be. And it can last for however long we want it to. But there’s no denying that there’s a reason why Christmas is so special to some of us. And even if it’s not the actual day of Christmas, the break from work and life afforded to us during this time can be equally as rewarding.

My reason for the season will always include family and faith. And that’s quite the gift to receive. Here’s to finding yours!

Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, Happy Kwanzaa, or simply Season’s Greetings from all of us here at Team HeyXorje!




Team HeyXorje

Hey Xorje is a web portal showcasing everything written/spoken/curated by media personality Xorje Olivares and HeyXorje.com Executive Producer C.A. Villalba. Wanna share your voice? Share your narrative? Email us at writers@heyxorje.com