Want to Write for HeyXorje.com?

Have a news tip, feature article, op-ed, or other content you want to see published on HeyXorje. Awesome! Bring it! In exchange for your contribution, we’ll proudly share your piece here on HeyXorje.com with your very own author/bio linking back to your social media profiles.

Just an FYI. We read each submission that comes to us within two weeks of receiving it, so please be patient. In the meantime, here are our guidelines.


1.    We aren’t too restrictive on word count but please keep your article at least 250 to 300 words.
2.    Submit your own original work that is not plagiarized from other sources, or slated for distribution on other sites.
3.    Do NOT link to your own products/services/websites directly in the body of the guest post. If you want to link to your products, do so in your author bio.
4.    Be an expert and share unique, credible and insightful information readers will appreciate.
5.    Attach in your email a brief author bio (25 words or lesss) and a profile picture to use for your bio.
6.    Tell us your Twitter handle/username so we can give you a mention when amplifying your published guest contribution on social media.
7.    We reserve the right to edit your post for clarity and to include links to other content on HeyXorje.com in keeping with our editorial style.
8.    You understand that your words, thoughts, and ideas are not representative of HeyXorje.com or any of its employees or affiliates, and HeyXorje.com reserves the right to revoke articles at anytime.

Have Fun.

This is your opportunity to have your say in a fun yet professional journalistic setting, build your professional reputation and your body of work. If you don’t hear back from us after two weeks, assume it wasn’t possible to publish your post and feel free to submit another. We are a small staff and can’t respond to every submission.

Team HeyXorje.com