Hard Ears Make A Soft Behind

No Me Digas. Op-Ed: Keith Price

Growing up in Texas, many phrases stay with you and this title says it all.  We were taught that if you continue to exhibit bad behavior, especially after being told the behavior is unacceptable, you will get a whooping.  I watch some of the people being charged for their participation in the insurgence on the Capitol building on 1/6/21, and honey, they are feeling the heat of their actions. The realization that malicious, seditious behavior has consequences could easily be summed up in a phrase that pays, “hard ears make a soft behind.”    Their willful ignorance combined with a prison sentence will most definitely make a soft behind. 

I do not mean to make light of what can happen to men in prison. But when the gavel falls, the amount of toxic machismo coupled with white patriarchy and entitled bravado, doused with a whole lot of racism, disappears.  After being told over and over again that the election was not fraudulent, they still chose to ignore it.  For some reason, just the normal hands of the legal system remind our patriots that the law DOES apply to them, as well.  Now, many have had some special favors granted to them, like Mr. Horned Shaman.  He complained about not getting organic food while being held in custody, and it was granted. As you listen to his mother explain her child’s behavior, do you think he EVER got a soft behind?




I will say it again, the revolution will not be gluten-free.  Don’t get me started on the young lady who stole Speaker Pelosi’s laptop, tried selling it to the Russians, and upon arrest, she was sent home in the custody of her mother while they sort this stuff out legally.  Isn’t that nice?



Now that the FBI is really casting that wide net to get to those responsible for the attack on the Capitol Building, it seems that White Entitled Male America, The Rebellious Beckys and Karens, and the oddly loyal BIPOC are having a hard time adjusting to the seriousness of their situations.  I am sure that as they planned and mobilized on their constitutional right to protest, the thought of a potential prison sentence of up to 25 years, was never ever discussed.  How could they talk about that? I mean, who would stop these noble folks on their noble quest to return America to the hands of its rightful owners? Stop laughing.

It is interesting that many of the folks currently being charged would expect the enforcement of these laws for this type of behavior to be swift, especially if it is perpetrated by Mohammed, Tyrell, Jose’, or a Moesha.  Oddly enough, some people are having a hard time with it.  But as you keep watching the personal stories unfold, tell me that you did not laugh when you heard that the guy with his feet all up on Speaker Pelosi’s desk is crying foul to being held in custody while many others have been released on bail?  Imagine the justice system being unfair? Get out of town. 


Doing an “I TOLD YA SO” dance seems shady, but because turnabout is fair play, it is hilarious.  Many of these folks, whose sincere (albeit delusional) attempt to exercise their right to protest, have not yet realized that the efforts that they are championing will not really benefit them.


Their feeble attempts to live out some 1776-inspired revolution may likely put them in jail to reflect upon their actions.  Perhaps while in jail, they will take a history class taught by some teacher doing community service for their DUI.  They might even learn that “taxation without representation” was the common theme of the rebellion to move away from a king. The irony of their realization to “stop the steal” moving us back to a tyrant/dictator is not lost on me.   Not to discount anyone’s personal grievances with the government and how things are, but flying in on a private jet to make one’s poor, suffering, and ignored voice heard, or, start a rebellion is really hard to swallow.

Many of these folks are now learning or will soon learn that phrase that pays when you heed the logic.  As more information continues to surface regarding the shenanigans at the Capitol, another one of those phrases that we learned also comes to mind, “what’s done in the dark, always comes to light.”  Just ask some of those senators and representatives that just might be connected to some of those patriots. Mmm-hmm.



Double Mask. Wash Your Hands. Stay Distanced.

Keith Price

Hey! I'm a comedian, actor, podcaster, radio talk show host/producer, and Guest Critic for NY1 ONSTAGE. And, I loves me some Broadway. Check out my monthly column here and follow me at @comedydaddy. Get more at http://keithpricecomic.com