How Sick Are You?

No Me Digas. Op-Ed: Keith Price

Within a couple of days of the first Presidential debate, the news broke that 45 and the First Lady have since tested positive for COVID-19 and are now in various stages of quarantine. I am ashamed of myself because upon hearing the news, I took a moment to laugh at the irony/karma that the man responsible for gaslighting a nation about this virus got infected. Although, it is hard to believe that something that was first billed as a Democratic hoax has morphed into a pandemic that has taken lives, crushed our economy, and ruined every socially fabulous thing that we hold dear as a society. While we continue talking about the president’s health, please remember that he’s paid no taxes. He’s inciting civil insurrection. And with all of the deals that he’s given to his businesses (secret service details alone), friends, and family, he told Bob Woodward that he did not want to panic US about COVID-19 while playing it down.



As I poke around the Twitterverse, the reactions range from “thoughts and prayers” to “Finally, something got that motherf***er!”. I cannot help but think about the boy who cried wolf. Not to say that Trump’s diagnosis might not be real, but let’s face it, he is not a stranger to a lie, and he LOVES him some drama. According to his niece, Trump is a narcissist who needs the attention and spotlight that a grave illness can definitely provide. Is this all a big fake-out? 

Now that there is a whole slew of Republicans who have also been bitten by the COVID-19 bug, I cannot help but think about the movie, SPARTACUS, when everyone professes to be Spartacus. Think about it, if you were “asymptomatic” and claimed you were “positive”, who would question you? This certainly adds more drama to the story, and it can certainly start a sympathy train. Added to the list was Gov. Chris Christie. He makes me laugh because he tries so hard to be seen by his party and Trump. He is that desperate girl that just wants to be loved so badly by the hot guy. After she picks up his laundry, does his homework, and then gives up the goodies, she finds out that he was only using her.




When I saw this tweet, I knew that my personal paranoia was being confirmed by the Twitterverse. It certainly does cause enough distraction from all of the big news of the day. I know that people, Democrats especially, are trying to live their best “high road” moment with all of the get well wishes. Just know that as we are trying to take time to offer him and his family our “best wishes”, the Republicans are still pushing a SCOTUS nominee who wants to end the Affordable Care Act. They are blocking relief efforts for the rest of us. Considering that he possesses no empathy as a human being for other human beings, can’t we just say collectively “bless his heart” and go on with our business of the day? His stunt of making a mini-parade for his supporters while supposedly in quarantine and undergoing experimental treatment makes it harder to believe that he’s that ill. There also is talk of a commemorative coin celebrating the impending presidential victory over COVID

As much as my Christian upbringing would dictate that forgiveness should be flowing through my heart, I have to admit that it has turned to rage. We have been living our lives like a sci-fi movie for over 6 months. We cannot see a movie or go to a club. We can’t even trust eating in a restaurant. 

His decision to treat the coronavirus like a business opportunity it has become for him and his friends leaves us to fend for ourselves. Now that he’s contracted the virus, it is OUR responsibility to take care of him.

Ain’t that a bitch? 

Keith Price

Hey! I'm a comedian, actor, podcaster, radio talk show host/producer, and Guest Critic for NY1 ONSTAGE. And, I loves me some Broadway. Check out my monthly column here and follow me at @comedydaddy. Get more at