I Told You He Was A Virus? (How Sick Are You PT. 2)

No Me Digas. Op-Ed: Keith Price


After only 72 hours of hospitalization for his positive COVID-19 diagnosis and within 24 hours of his personal parade, the president made his great escape from Walter Reed Hospital to the grand balcony of The White House. With first-class medical care paid for by all of us, it is clear that his ego and Attention Deficit Disorder cannot sit still long enough to treat the alleged illness properly. As the rest of his merry gang continue to test and claim they are positive as at the end of Spartacus, more rational people are watching this madman’s health and can see that this country is in a precarious place. 



Now that “COVITA” has returned to her veranda with a rapid breathing issue, she has been read to filth in one tweet by the original, 2x Tony©, Olivier©, and Grammy© Award-winning Diva, Patti LuPone. She shaded him beautifully. 




As we keep getting closer to Election day, I am reminded that late November last year that  I compared our current president to a virus. Little did I know that I would be proven right. Let’s review. 


Following the reproductive cycle, let’s fill in some blanks: 

● A Virus (Trump) attaches to a host cell (The White House).

● The particle (Trump) releases its genetic instructions into the host cell. (Ivanka, Jared, Stephen Miller, McConnell, Graham et. al.)  

● Injected genetic material recruits the host cell’s enzymes. (Every cabinet secretary, every ambassador, all of Mitch McConnell’s judicial appointments, etc.,)  

● Enzymes make parts for more new virus particles. (Every tax break, every lobbyist, every wealthy donor, every religious zealot, every white supremacist group, every super spreader event)  

● New particles assemble the parts into new viruses. (Dismantling every norm of the Law and the Democratic Experiment, attacking science, ruining every relationship with worldwide allies, destroying our economy and the environment, creating civil unrest)  

● New viruses break free resulting in the death of the host cell. (Like many of his bankrupted companies)  

● New viruses can infect host cells. (staring down the barrel of The White House with a Trump Dynasty)  

Granted my logic may seem simplistic and shady, but no one can deny that this country is definitely sick with some sort of viral illness. We are achy, sore, and weak. Because of Trump, the civil and racial unrest internally is making many of us sick to our stomachs daily. We are also vulnerable to so many attacks from external entities, like a Putinesque version of Kaposi Sarcoma.

I am sure virologists might disagree with my comparison, however, no one can disagree that the norms of our country are flying away on Gossamer wings propelled by the winds of the latest Greek-lettered hurricane on a visually rising, globally warmed sea. They are also on the backs of the lemmings going over Trump’s TRICK ‘EM INTO HERD IMMUNITY cliff. Just remember. It was a virus that ended the invaders in WAR OF THE WORLDS

Wash your hands. Wear a mask. Vote. 

Thoughts and Prayers for us all.

Don’t forget: The viruses stopped the invaders.

(Editor’s Note: Stephen Miller tested positive for COVID after my deadline.) 


Keith Price

Hey! I'm a comedian, actor, podcaster, radio talk show host/producer, and Guest Critic for NY1 ONSTAGE. And, I loves me some Broadway. Check out my monthly column here and follow me at @comedydaddy. Get more at http://keithpricecomic.com