Jornada Por La Justicia

The Teach-In

I’m still feeling the vibrations of the ‘Jornada Por La Justicia’ Teach-In organized by the Latinx Catholic Leadership Coalition earlier this month in El Paso, Texas where roughly 400 attendees came to speak their truth on matters related to immigration, gun violence, policing, and media representation. After appearing on a panel where I talked heavily about my queer Catholic experience, I attended a few seminars geared toward empowering progressive-minded folks of faith, many of whom were young students looking to express their voice. Later that day, we all took part in two separate public actions: one in El Paso, and the other in the neighboring city of Juárez. I talked a bit about each action and what they meant while welcoming three fellow Jornada participants on ‘Affirmative Reaction.’ They were Dr. Jeremy Cruz and Zoe Sheppard of St. John’s University and Commonweal’s Griffin Oleynick.

Here’s part of our chat.

Xorje Olivares

Xorje Olivares is a host/producer and social commentator who specializes in LGBTQ, Latino, and millennial issues. He currently hosts the SiriusXM Progress program ‘Affirmative Reaction’ every Saturday at 12 pm ET. His writing on politics and intersectional identity has appeared in VICE, Playboy, Rolling Stone, them., and Vox, among others. He has been profiled by ABC News, MSNBC, NPR, PBS, and FOX News. Follow XO at @XorjeO