Keep Stepping, Democrats!

No Me Digas. Op-Ed: Keith Price

I got into a heated argument with a friend last week because of this constant conversation about needing to have  bipartisan support to get legislation done.  As you may surmise, I may be a tad bit left leaning in my writing, but I really do not think that I am too far off with a solution.  Perhaps you might agree?

We are in this constant back and forth over so much that is happening in our national political landscape. The daily internal struggle within the Republican party is the same: infighting between their racist, sexist, insurrectionist, anti-Democratic practice with a disrespect to the law and order side and their less racist, less sexist, totally non-insurrectionist, pro-Democratic practice with some respect to law and order side. The battle is constantly being played out in the media between folks, like Representatives Liz Cheney and Kevin McCarthy. It’s their tug of war about what branch of crazy will ultimately be in charge of that party. 

As the Republicans quickly try to put the whole insurrection thing in our historical rearview mirror, I cannot help but shudder to think about what we would be facing right now, had those dangerously treasonous morons succeeded. As much as they want to compare themselves and their struggles to the revolutionaries of 1776, they don’t see that their efforts are actually opposite to their role model’s cause. Again, one or two classes in American History would clarify more than all of those historical reenactments in Colonial Williamsburg combined.  Not to mention, they had scholars like Ben Franklin, contribute to reimagining a government that these Jim Jones-like yahoos are deliberately trying to dismantle for power and money, but I digress.

Many major Democrats are in the media saying things like this country NEEDS a two party system, because when there is only one party, authoritarianism is not far behind. I know that I am not the only one who sees that the current Republican party, through its various stages of nationwide voter suppression efforts, are trying to create that reality.  Talk about letting the tyrannical inmates run the prison. 

As the Democrats continue to be so concerned about the survival state of the Republican party, I think that I have figured out what they really should do. As both parties sashay down the runway like Destiny’s Child when Michelle, aka The Republican Party, falls down during a performance, the Democrats should keep stepping and continue the choreography until the Republicans can get it together. Yes, that may seem simple, but hear me out. 

The Democrats are trying to maintain this optical illusion that the quest for bipartisan relations is truly necessary. Republicans, when they held the majority, managed their authoritarian agenda without one concern on the feelings of Democrats and the rest of Americans being devastated by their draconian policies. Watching how the filibuster is being used now by the minority party, I am shocked that the Democrats never used their minority status in the past to be a monkey wrench in good ole Mitch’s reign of terror, like he seems to be doing now as the minority leader.

For Democrats, it is easy to say and show that you have concern for the rights and well being of our fellow man, when you are compared to folks who are only concerned about making money for their wealthy donors while enriching themselves along the way.  It is also easy to show that you don’t want to continue war because of the devastation that it is doing to American families and world economies, especially when you are matched against people who are not only encouraging conflict but have created companies that do nothing but profit from war. It is even easier to say that you are a party who would never engage in seemingly overt,  highly treasonous behavior when compared to a party of people who has shown nothing but questionable relations with some of our nations’ enemies and have practically given them access to all levels of our government. You shouldn’t need to have an opposition to make sure you do the right things by humanity, but clearly it helps. If you are constantly compared this way, then of course your ego will advocate for any reminder of how fabulous you look when compared to the other guy.

Democrats generally tend to advocate for things that on the surface have been very helpful to the average American. This past month alone, the various relief checks in the mail and child care credit monies of various amounts have been put in the pockets of ALL Americans , especially the naysaying, seditious ones.  We have pushed the plight of Texas Democrats, now fighting nationally for voter’s rights, out of the spotlight for the January 6th Commission shenanigans, Delta Variant COVID-19, and the Olympics.  We must stay vigilant.      

I will argue that it all boils down to intention.  The Democrats are showing the naysayers that they are “fighting” for the good of all Americans, showing concern for the environment, and operating with a true dedication to diversity that reflects the ACTUAL makeup of this great nation. If we can only get them to justly punish those who have broken laws that impact the safety and security of our nation’s citizens and our Democracy, then that would be enough to accomplish about 75% of the shit that needs to be done. That 25% remainder is the part that always reminds us that we are dealing with politicians.

The Republicans want you to believe some horrific, authoritarian, Democratic/Socialist/Progressive regime is consuming the country, and destroying the world. Unlike Republicans, Democrats self-police and self-punish their behavior so harshly and so publicly, any dictator type will be rooted out long before ever reaching the top seat. Let’s face it. Democrats would never allow someone with 5 kids, 3 baby mamas, 2 divorces, mistresses, porn stars, countless tax issues, and bankruptcies, in a dog catcher’s race much less a Presidential election. The need to be transparent will always be the Democratic Party’s Achilles heel, but at least there is some self-reflection. Besides, if the Democratic Party can align their intentions, trust their choices more, and just keep stepping like Beyonce after another Michelle moment, would it really be that bad to go solo and live in a world run by Beyonce’?

Wear a mask. Wash your hands. Stay Distanced.

Keith Price

Hey! I'm a comedian, actor, podcaster, radio talk show host/producer, and Guest Critic for NY1 ONSTAGE. And, I loves me some Broadway. Check out my monthly column here and follow me at @comedydaddy. Get more at