Memorial Day

Day of Remembrance

I’m incredibly proud to come from a family of servicemen: my maternal grandfather was in the Navy and a couple of cousins served in the Army, one even reaching one of the highest ranks possible. And while I’ll never know my grandfather’s motivations for joining, and ultimately serving during World War II, his patriotic duty—and that of my other relatives—is part of a familial legacy I’m still discovering.

But it’s also part of our country’s legacy. Our nation’s foundation is built on the dedication, commitment, and bravery of those willing to don the uniform to protect us from enemies both foreign and domestic. For centuries, we’ve placed our trust in them to keep us safe. And let’s not be mistaken: this continues to this day, with US military personnel stationed in war zones throughout the world. Even if we aren’t familiar with this, their loved ones are incredibly hyper-aware and anxiously awaiting their return.

And while my grandfather was able to come home all of those decades ago, others valiantly gave their lives to the very flag we salute and oftentimes take for granted. Their families mourned them then, and use this time of year to reflect on their stories now. is proud to honor all U.S. military personnel, especially the Latinx soldiers who have served.  This Memorial Day, let’s all remember the sacrifices made by individuals whose narratives we might never know fully but were important to the people they knew best. May their service stand as a testament to human selflessness and the spirit of strength. We memorialize because we’re free. And that didn’t come easily.

Happy Memorial Day.

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Xorje Olivares

Xorje Olivares is a host/producer and social commentator who specializes in LGBTQ, Latino, and millennial issues. He currently hosts the SiriusXM Progress program ‘Affirmative Reaction’ every Saturday at 12 pm ET. His writing on politics and intersectional identity has appeared in VICE, Playboy, Rolling Stone, them., and Vox, among others. He has been profiled by ABC News, MSNBC, NPR, PBS, and FOX News. Follow XO at @XorjeO