Not My President

Op-Ed: Fred Rodriguez

When I say that Trump is not my president, I am not trying to be controversial, I am not trying to gas-light, and I am not trying to be an adversary. My statement is a statement of facts; I am saying he is not my President because he makes it so. 

When he attacks the very essence of my community, he makes it clear that he is not the President of our community. He is quiet, and in some instances not so quietly, trying to strip away our rights, our identity, and our dignity. By making decisions that push us back into the closet, that make us less than, that make us feel not only vulnerable but targeted, he makes it clear he is not my president.



The sad part is that as horrific as the decisions he makes are, whether they are to deny citizenship to babies adopted by same-sex couples from overseas, or denying immigration benefits to partners of same-sex marriage, or banning transgender Americans from serving openly in the military (which notably he did not volunteer to do even after he was drafted), to remove sexual orientation from the Title IX laws, to simply refusing to fly the Gay Pride flag in American embassies across the world as a beacon of hope to the LGBTQ community around the world that there is hope, or even to something as basic as acknowledging Gay Pride Month, the attitude that it perpetuates has led to an increase of anti-LGBTQ behavior and in some cases violence since his election because people feel entitled and emboldened because he makes them feel that he is their president, a feeling we do not share.

Throughout our 243-year history, political parties and the divisions they can create, have been a staple. Heated presidential races have been the norm. But at the end of the day, the winner became the president of all the people, even those that opposed their election. That has not been the case for the past 3 years, regrettably, but that is a choice that Trump has made not us. So, when I say he is not my president, I am just stating facts.

In light of recent Supreme Court rulings, both in of favor our LGBTQ+ Americans and Dreamers, there has been a small silver lining amidst the darkness we have been living through. Extended protection against employment discrimination has been a well-welcomed victory but it reminds us that we still have much to fight for as those same discrimination protections have not been extended to other areas such as housing. Further, the attack on our transgendered community members denying their protections in healthcare just serve as a reminder that he is NOT our president. Add to this, the renewed attack on DACA and the dreamers which he has vowed to go after again clearly reinforces that he is NOT our president.

While these SCOTUS victories were good, we cannot rest and settle. He has already mounted new attacks and has made it clear that he will continue to attack our community. Moreover, with the election looming and his popularity tanking, he will more than likely rev up his attacks to excite his base. Once again proving that he is only interested in a particular section of the populous — proving that he is not a president for all people.

So I am not being problematic, alarmist, or overdramatic. 

I am merely stating facts. I am merely stating ONE fact. He has chosen to NOT be my president.

Fred Rodriguez

Fred Rodriguez lives in Laredo, Tx, and is a High School educator who also serves as a GSA Organizer on his campus.  Fred strives to provide an inclusive and safe environment for all students. Follow Fred on Insta at @fredrdz00 and on Twitter at @freddy_boi