Oh! What A Show!

No Me Digas. Op-Ed: Keith Price

So, I took a bit of a break from the show that was the Impeachment Hearings, because frankly, the Senate did what was expected of them.

In any event, I must admit that whether you are a Trump supporter or not, all of this *ish was shady AF, with no witnesses or documents to prove that as the accused you are innocent. What is so surprising to me is that a room full of lawyers listened to other lawyers from some of the alleged best schools in the land, as they lied through their teeth. They distorted history and any notions of justice in this country. I said that this whole impeachment thing was like reading the last few pages of the mystery novel, starting it over from the beginning, and then watching the cast of guilty characters in retrospect, lie to our faces. 

This process was another UNPRECEDENTED challenge to our Democracy that we have witnessed go nowhere. I have said this before and it needs to be repeated. For those senators that voted to not call witnesses or remove 45 from office, as you plan to “retire” (Sen. Lamar Alexander) because you are “choosing” to focus on your families, blah, blah, blah, do you think that the world is going to be any safer for YOU leaving that man in office? For those keeping him in the office so that you can be re-elected (Senators Collins, Murkowski, et. al), please remember that the same forefathers that predicted this type of crisis were NOT career politicians. So if you get voted out for doing what you KNOW is right, then so be it. You do have other job skills and a résumé, right? If you think that your privilege will protect you, then you will be surprised to find out that the even wealthier entities that you are protecting, see you only as a catalyst to be used in their chemical equation to augment their wealth and power. Finally, for those senators that obviously are in lockstep to this purported corruption (Sen. Mitch McConnell), SHAME ON YOU! In spite of knowing that he is a criminal, you are knowingly trading respect of law and political protocol to stay close to power. Your selfishness will be your undoing.



This country is going to become like the world in the film, IDIOCRACY if we do not stop this crazy train. I am starting to wonder if Republican senators were simply more afraid of a President Pence than we were, even if it would be only for a few months? That was the only thing that could have been a surprise to this whole process. What do you think Trump would have done if the Senate actually did vote to remove him? It would be like ALL ABOUT EVE or the musical, APPLAUSE, minus the fabulosity of Bette Davis or Lauren Bacall. The ultimate double-cross would be his removal followed by NO PARDON from would-be President Pence. 

Oddly enough, Sen. Mitt Romney threw a vote to convictSince 45 is a bully, the Senate and the Republican Party had an opportunity to get rid of him. The best way to beat a bully is to stand up to a bully. However, the fear of being taunted on Twitter by 45 and his sycophants, like an unpopular teenager, paralyzed them all from making a courageous statement.

Hopefully, we can get a good blue rinse in November, restore any semblances of Democracy, and return to the days of showing respect to the Constitution and upholding the principles of law. I just hope that now he has been acquitted, as a country we will make it to the November elections. My fingers are crossed, but I am going to look into what the ex-pat situation is in Amsterdam, just in case things get weirder. 

Keith Price

Hey! I'm a comedian, actor, podcaster, radio talk show host/producer, and Guest Critic for NY1 ONSTAGE. And, I loves me some Broadway. Check out my monthly column here and follow me at @comedydaddy. Get more at http://keithpricecomic.com