Queer I Am Lord

XO’s Latest Project

The cock has crowed more than three times – you’d think I’d listen by now.

My relationship with the Catholic Church as a queer person of faith is Facebook status ‘Complicated.’ I’ve tried incredibly hard to wrestle with my own cultural understanding of the religion (considering I’m a third-generation Mexican-American from the incredibly devout Texas border region) and the reality that the institution has made no effort whatsoever to welcome LGBTQ folks looking for a spiritual home. This was made worse this week with news that the Vatican (under the approval of seemingly pro-gay Pope Francis) explicitly said it would refuse to bless same-sex unions because God “cannot bless sin.”

While I will continue to voice my frustration with the Church’s inability to modernize its doctrine or empathize with its queer congregants (particularly those who’ve been traumatized by its neglect), my energy will now be directed at uplifting fellow LGBTQ Catholics and their stories. Whether the Church accepts us or not is moot because we accept ourselves for who we are.

And so I present to you, ‘Queer I Am Lord’ – my new interview-based podcast produced for HeyXorje.com. Every week, I’ll share conversations with queer faithful about their spiritual journeys, ask them about their association with the Church and their determination to be heard. God is present whenever two or more gather together in God’s name. This show will be proof of that.

So be sure to catch new episodes here on HeyXorje.com or wherever you stream your podcasts starting next week.

Peace be with y’all!

Team HeyXorje

Hey Xorje is a web portal showcasing everything written/spoken/curated by media personality Xorje Olivares and HeyXorje.com Executive Producer C.A. Villalba. Wanna share your voice? Share your narrative? Email us at writers@heyxorje.com