Reflection 2020

Op-Ed: Fred Rodriguez

More than an election year, 2020 should be a year of reflection.  Regardless of whether you celebrate Biden’s win or are an avid supporter of 45 and his continued denial of the obvious, what all Americans should attempt to do is reflect upon not only the nation’s state but also reflect on the state of your relationships with others.

This election has revealed that what is at stake is not a difference of political viewpoints but rather a difference in the fundamental moral fiber in each of us.  When policy erodes civil liberties, and religious freedoms decay into government-sanctioned discrimination, it becomes clear that the divide is not merely red or blue, liber or conservative. It becomes clear the division is decency vs. disregard for human dignity.

People must examine that what is at issue is not of equal weight.  Saying “I want my guns” is not the same as “I don’t want to be considered a second class citizen.” Yes, the Second Amendment provides for the right to bear arms.  It allows citizens to have the ability to protect themselves, their families, and their property.  It is a safety net against aggression and ingrained fundamental freedom that all Americans share.  However, let us examine the fact that it is an “amendment,” by definition, a change to the original—something not initially stated in the constitution.  If you will, an afterthought to go back and appease a sect with a disagreement over the issues and its original omission.

Now let us look at the ACTUAL, ORIGINAL TEXT of the Declaration of Independence, the cornerstone of the American Democracy, the original foundation of the Great American Experiment…

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

THIS is what we fight for, to be EQUAL, to know that we have a right to LIFE, to LIBERTY, and the pursuit of HAPPINESS.  These are essential and fundamental to every human being on the planet, not just the United States.  We are not fighting for material possession or idealistic philosophical notions.  We are fighting to be treated fairly, equally, humanely.

For those 70 million-plus Americans who voted for 45, they should look at the actual ramifications and implications that their support imposes on minorities, people of color, and those in the LGBTQ+ community.  On this, there is no way to support both sides of the issue.  When it comes to this, either you are with us or against us.  There is no comprise on human decency.  You cannot say you love someone who is part of an oppressed class of people and still vote for 45.  A vote for 45 and his party’s platform is a vote to support hate, discrimination, homophobia, xenophobia, and continued division in this country.

For those who voted for the Biden/Harris ticket in hopes of an administration that will treat all Americans equally across the board, it is time to reflect on what we will tolerate from those around us.  We must pick our battles within our families, our workplaces, and our social circles.  We must see who we would like to continue interacting with and which we must cut out of our lives.  We can no longer continue in toxic relationships thinking that political views do not bleed into all aspects of life.  We must stop being enablers because we feel guilty or awkward, calling out hate and racism in your own circles. 

Nothing will change until we dare to change it.  We must stand up and declare enough is enough.  We must point out the problem instead of waiting for someone to realize, on their own, that there is a problem.  They will never change if they do not see the problem.  They will not feel a need to change if they see nothing wrong with their actions.

I am sure that before our Founding Fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence, many felt there needed to be a change.  It brewed slowly and finally reached its boiling point when they could take no more.  We are at that point in our history today.  This is our moment to make a new declaration that we will no longer accept being treated with such disrespect and dismissal.  So now that Election 2020 has ended, for the most part, we must begin Reflection 2020 and decide where we want to go as a nation.  It is evident that those on the right do not see an issue with the status quo.  It is up to us to make that change and keep moving our great country towards the American Dream. It is up to us to continue the American Experiment in Democracy and guide it to be all that it can be.  Because like all dreams, the American Dream is not a destination but a journey.  It takes consistent hard work to make it come to fruition. 

Fred Rodriguez

Fred Rodriguez lives in Laredo, Tx, and is a High School educator who also serves as a GSA Organizer on his campus.  Fred strives to provide an inclusive and safe environment for all students. Follow Fred on Insta at @fredrdz00 and on Twitter at @freddy_boi