Robert Bilheimer

Oh Mercy

Robert Bilheimer is the President of the non-profit organization Worldwide Documentaries, and 2019 recipient of the Mother Teresa Memorial Award for Social Justice, and considered one of the most influential documentary filmmakers working in the world today. In 1989, Robert was nominated for an Academy Award for Cry of Reason, a feature-length documentary that profiles the South African anti-apartheid leader Beyers Naudé. Since then, Robert has made carefully crafted documentary films on a wide range of social, cultural, and humanitarian concerns.




Funding is now needed to complete the short form (10-minute) version of Oh Mercy, which is in the final editing stages. As soon as these funds are secured, Oh Mercy can be released in two weeks— to national and international audiences through various outlets and platforms that represent a broad cross-section of folks concerned about what, as a nation, we are doing to these children and immigrants right now. There is already a long list of advocates and advocacy organizations, like the Refugee Services of Texas, for whom Oh Mercy will be an invaluable communication and advocacy tool.

Worldwide Documentaries is a registered 501(c) (3) not-for-profit organization. Your tax-deductible contribution can be made HERE. Please give as generously as your budget allows. Every dollar counts!

XO chats with Robert Bilheimer about his journey to get OH MERCY to the general public. Take a listen now, or download and enjoy later!


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