Sci-Fi and Treason: Relevant TV Choices in the Age of COVID

No Me Digas. Op-Ed: Keith Price

As a person of a certain age who has been through some THANGS, I can say that watching all of us in masks and gloves trying to protect ourselves from a pernicious virus is the most science fiction-like shit that I’ve ever seen! As our divided country keeps fighting over the efficacy of wearing a mask, reopening the economy, and enjoying our time at Costco, people are still getting infected, and people are still dying.



While facing those realities, we see that even our elected officials are entering the fray of becoming infectious vectors of COVID. One of the latest elected officials who tested positive, Rep. Gohmert of Texas, has finally chosen to now self-isolate. Because of his asymptomatic status and his political stance about masks, it is very likely that before he tested positive, he probably had been positive for a while. Had he not planned to board Air Force One to travel with the president, we would have not known that he was positive at all. The recent images of him walking and coughing in the congressional chambers are evidentiary. I am not saying that he did it on purpose, but considering his regard for epidemiology, I would not be surprised. Another legislator that also has tested positive, Rep. Grijalva from Arizona, has been seated near that viral carrying, asymptomatic, coughing Keebler Elf. Luckily for Gohmert, Rep. Grijalva doesn’t blame anyone for his status.



As the many conspiracy theories careen through my brain with time to binge-watch, I have to admit that a short-lived TV show that some people recall, BRAIN DEAD, explained so much for me. It’s a show about how our government is invaded by aliens and their dastardly plan to take over the earth. They are thwarted by the heroic efforts of Congressional aides played with leading man swagger by one of my Broadway dreamboats, Aaron Tveit, and newcomer to me, Mary Elizabeth Winstead. I do not want to spoil anything about the show. I do urge you to check it out on Amazon Prime or CBS Access. It might shed some light on what we are seeing.



I admit that the show has some great moments of camp, some grotesque moments that will make you squeal and grab something or someone for comfort along the way. However, you might note that the title explains the science-ignorant people who are protesting for their right to infect us all. Because I am a big Broadway fan, it doesn’t hurt that the series is packed with folks who have a lot of stage cred, like Tony and Emmy Award-winning Tony Shaloub, Tony Award-winning actress Nikki M. James, Tony Award nominee Jan Maxwell, and a great guest spot by recent Tony Award winner, Santino Fontana. I also cannot forget one of my Law and Order: SVU hunks and — Papi Chulo — Danny Pino, who is delicious as the semi-reformed, adulterous congressman.



After viewing BRAIN DEAD, I urge you to at least entertain the thought that it could happen, because honestly, I have all but abandoned rational thought to find any meaning in this administration. Knowing that it might just be a routine alien abduction, brings me some comfort. 

I also would like to recommend another show that might also give you some insight into our administration and how “someone” could become a Russian asset. THE AMERICANS, starring Keri Russell and Matthew Rhys, serializes the lives of Russian spy operatives working in America during the Reagan Era, and on a historical side note, during the early KGB days of Putin.   






After watching this show, you can understand how it is possible for people like Rudy Giuliani to fall for the accent, money, and charms of Igor Fruman and Lev Parnas. You can even see how that relationship could bloom right up to the presidency. Yet, it seems so difficult to get people to see what is right in front of their faces. 



Some people say there is always some truth in fiction. Perhaps television shows might open a door in your mind and make you see things that aren’t as they appear to be? It could also make you believe that a show, like The Apprentice, could produce such an amazing and charismatic world leader. 

I think that these two show recommendations might do the same, and possibly help reverse the crazy. I will admit that I have also seen a few zombie apocalypse movies, and oddly enough, they are not too complimentary of, nor comforting to the human condition in the time of a pandemic. Take a ride on the TRAIN TO BUSAN or any random scenes from THE WALKING DEAD, and you will get my drift.

Whether you watch these shows or not, all I ask of you is to wash your hands, wear a damn mask, and stay safe. 


Keith Price

Hey! I'm a comedian, actor, podcaster, radio talk show host/producer, and Guest Critic for NY1 ONSTAGE. And, I loves me some Broadway. Check out my monthly column here and follow me at @comedydaddy. Get more at