SELL BY: NewFest 2019

Director, Writer, Actor Mike Doyle

Director Mike Doyle

Part of the joy of being queer is finding your community both on and off-screen as a means of really celebrating visibility. The beauty of NewFest, New York’s LGBTQ Film Festival, is that it finds that joy in a variety of artistic expressions and it packages each of them in a way so that any LGBTQ-identifying person—wherever they are in their queer journey—can use them to then fuel their own hopes and desires as creatives.

I had the pleasure of attending NewFest’s opening night, which showcased the work of actor/director Mike Doyle. His feature film ‘Sell By’ features a uniquely diverse and ridiculously talented cast led by Scott Evans, Kate Walsh, and Michelle Buteau. The romantic comedy, as Doyle describes it, forces us in the audience to reflect on our limitations, our friendships, and our truths as flawed individuals and subsequently poses the question: what’s next for us?

I had a chance to briefly speak with Doyle, who was still processing the emotions of starting the 31st annual iteration of the festival. Here’s our chat!

NewFest runs October 23rd through the 29th of 2019.


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