Senators, Do The Right Thing.

No Me Digas. Op-Ed: Keith Price

Watching this impeachment foolishness while not being a lawyer, it seems that a lot of laws have been broken. I am not a politician, but it really does seem like a lot of political protocol has been ignored. Considering that we already know how the Senate will vote, I continue to look at our elected officials who are law school graduates. Many of them have graduated from the most prestigious institutions and are wearing blinders to the law and their OWN protocols. 

Since the 2018 elections, there are now 53 Republican-held Senate seats, 45 Democratic seats, and 2 Independent seats caucusing with the Democratic Party. Now for all we know, Senate Majority Leader, Myrtle the Turtle, and his band of merry men are planning to create their blockade and protect their king. I am still living in abject denial because I am hoping that my crazy theory of the Senate surprising us by examining ACTUAL evidence and testimony and coming to a dramatically fair and just conclusion, will secretly happen. 

In the upcoming November 2020 election, 33 Senate seats will be contested. There will also be two special elections: one in Arizona to fill the vacancy created by the death of John McCain in 2018, and one in Georgia following the resignation of Johnny Isakson at the end of 2019, even though it was just announced that Georgia’s governor appointed Kelly Loeffler to hold the seat until the election. She is another wealthy, pro-Trump, and pro Gun, Republican. Isn’t that… great?  

In any case, it will take 67 Senate votes to remove Trump from office. So, if only 20 people from the Republican side, the entire 45 Dems, and 2 Independents agree, then we might end this insanity. How do we get 20 plus Senators to flip? If we dig in on those 33 that are up for election or planning to retire, and just ask them, “what and who are you really protecting, and is it worth destroying whatever allegiance to law and order that you have supported until now?” Today’s career politicians have forgotten that our founding fathers showed up in New York, Philadelphia, and Washington D. C., debated the laws, wrote the Constitution, and then went back to their homes and their ACTUAL jobs and careers, until the next time to convene. No one was supposed to be a career politician.  

As today’s nationally elected public servants (primarily Republicans and those few errant Dems) sit on their hands, forget their oaths to protect the Constitution, collect paychecks, showboat at every hearing, enjoy FABULOUS insurance, as well as, create other sources of income for themselves while planning their retirements, I can’t help but think that we are on a path to total annihilation of absolutely everything that we allegedly hold sacred. Why? Because of the potential votes of 20 plus people. 

Over the years, they have voted (or conspired) to deregulate America out of a middle class, installed some of the most controversial people to be secretaries of the cabinet, and stacked up a court system with some of the most tainted figures in recent judicial history. I do not want to say that any of these appointments might be designed to demean and punish the poor of America, or to spread some evangelical message, or even to advance some white supremacist agenda, but it is hard to not notice any of this as a relatively intelligent person, who is also a relatively intelligent person of color. One thing for sure: Time’s up and these elected officials have taken up space for too long. 

 It seems clear that the House of Representatives will vote to impeach the president. Soon thereafter, our Senators will vote to potentially remove the president from office. It is yet another UNPRECEDENTED challenge to our Democracy that we are witnessing. For those senators voting to not remove him and then retire because you are “choosing” to focus on your families, blah, blah, blah, do you think that the world is going to be any safer for YOU leaving that man in office? For those planning to keep him in office so you can be re-elected, please again remember that the same forefathers that predicted this type of crisis were NOT career politicians. So if you get voted out for doing what you KNOW is right, then so be it. If you think that your privilege will protect you, then you might be surprised to find out the even more wealthy entities that you are protecting, see you only as a catalyst to be used in their chemical equation to augment their wealth and power. For those senators that may be connected to any of this purported corruption, SHAME ON YOU! In spite of knowing that he is a criminal, you are knowingly trading respect of law and political protocol to stay close to power. Your selfishness will be your undoing. 

However you choose to dishonor your oaths, please know that voting Americans are watching. You will not be able to continue to hide your agenda for much longer, and your constituents will eventually suss out the truths about you. Unlike you, they will vote with a conscience and perhaps as a referendum. And like you, they might vote for their own self-interests, and I am willing to gamble that they will soon realize that their self-interests will include NOT having you represent them.


Keith Price

Hey! I'm a comedian, actor, podcaster, radio talk show host/producer, and Guest Critic for NY1 ONSTAGE. And, I loves me some Broadway. Check out my monthly column here and follow me at @comedydaddy. Get more at