Silence Has Been Golden

No Me Digas. Op-Ed: Keith Price

I am not sure about you, but I have been LIVING for the silence of TANG aka Donald Trump, the removals of insurrectionists on planes, and folks getting hunted and arrested from their rooms with their moms pleading for their dietary needs.  Trump’s absence from social media has been the blessing that we all did not know we needed.  We spent almost every day for almost 5 years, hearing him, reading him, reading about him, and the silence now is amazing.  It makes you wonder: if the social media platforms had decided this earlier then perhaps foolishness like the insurrection attempt of 1/6/21 might not have happened?  Let’s be honest. If Trump had stolen/won another term, they would have no reason to rid themselves of the orange cash cow. 

As brave as the folks at Twitter and Facebook are with their attempts at trying to make you believe their tough stance, do not think for one minute that there weren’t many meetings that involved a lot of number crunching.  They did not silence him for anything noble. They did the math and simply do not want to be dragged into a real trial, because they know that if the President can be blamed for the spoken words that he utters, then many of those written words and images broadcasted on social media will be used to emphasize the blame. And as for slimy as Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey might be, they are trying to make sure that the albatross that is Donald Trump and the Trumpkins does not pull them under into the red.



Just like FOX, OAN, Parler, and the other assorted messy conservative stations and social media platforms, many sycophantic elected officials and their vested interest in Trump or his New Populism, will be picking up the slack of stupidity that this behavior will breed.  We see it in people like Senators Ted Cruz, Ben Hawley, Marco Rubio, and Ron Johnson, along with the other 41 Senators that do not want to move for an impeachment hearing against Trump for inciting an insurrection. 

These folks in the senate are still so afraid of someone who cannot even Tweet his disdain at them. Secretly, they seem to have conversations among themselves about their fear of him, yet no one has the full court bravery to just call out the foolishness, because they are still fighting to hold on to a job that has some sort of power and influence. Many of them enter with resumes that would certainly keep them employed in the real world. Could you imagine having a colleague in your office who may or may not have conspired with folks to possibly kill you at the job? It makes it even harder to believe that if people came to cause you harm at a job, you would really think about working somewhere else, right? 

When I tap into my conspiracy theory side, I think that I have figured it out. The real Republicans are afraid of Trump and his fringe.  They do not have the cajones to go directly after them, but because the Democrats are so fired up with their need to make it happen, they will cowardly stand behind them and offer no help. That’s typical of a snowflake, right?  Of course, they will not vote to impeach, unless 12 more snowflakes decide to join them.   There is one caveat that I did not know.

It seems that along with removal from office, which requires 67 votes, he can be barred from ever running for a federal office again. Oddly enough, it only requires a simple majority to enact.  51 senators can vote to keep him out of running for office.  The cowardly Republicans do not want to have any present-day paper trail, but they seem to not have a problem with the historical paper trail that will show their cowardice for generations to come.  Conveniently, if the Dems continue to steamroll this through (which I totally support) then they will do the job for the Republicans that Republicans are too afraid to do themselves.  Just like a scaredy-cat, snowflake, wuss.


It reminds me of Dorothy and her friends having to kill the Wicked Witch of the West for the Wizard.  He talked a great game, but in the end, he was useless. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell tried to show a little might by getting in the way of power transition, and I am glad that Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer, showed a little chutzpah by pushing back.  In his recent interview with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow.    Schumer made it clear that those insurrectionists were too close for comfort, and something has to be done with Trump, his Congressional ring leaders and sympathizers, and the idiots who think that they were having a 1776 moment with hints of 1812.


As we continue to watch this drama unfold please remember that our founding fathers, in spite of their misogyny and racism, created a government with many intricacies and used their foresight to predict a changing world AND someone like Trump. They also, as time went on, made enough room for the government to move forward with elasticity. We can keep the things that really work, and get rid of the things that stand in the way of progress.    That is what we got when THEY had their insurrectional moment in 1776.  What kind of flipping government do you think that we would have if our forefathers had the intellect of these yahoos? Better yet, what would be happening right now had they succeeded?

Wear a mask. Wash your hands. Stay Distanced.

Keith Price

Hey! I'm a comedian, actor, podcaster, radio talk show host/producer, and Guest Critic for NY1 ONSTAGE. And, I loves me some Broadway. Check out my monthly column here and follow me at @comedydaddy. Get more at