The Emperor Wears No Mask

Op-Ed: Bridget Lewison

I’m usually the chatty type, but this quarantine has got my tongue. I’ve been keeping up appearances on social media, sharing memes, and bitching about politics, but I’ve made little direct contact with friends and family. I haven’t done my podcast in weeks, and I struggle to write this.

It’s not a change in lifestyle that has me down. My normal routine hasn’t changed much. I’ve worked the night shift for years and am accustomed to little socializing. I think I’m just in shock over what’s happening.

My rural, northwestern Arizona county, with a population of 200,000 stretched over 13,400 square miles, has 200 confirmed cases and 25 deaths. I fear, however, it’s just the beginning for us. Restaurants and hair salons have reopened and, while I miss both, I plan on waiting at least another month to see where this goes.

I recently returned to my job in the auto industry as a driver. I’m grateful my union and employer have been working hard to ensure the safest possible environment. Thankfully, we have plenty of space with which to maintain social distancing. So many workers across the country aren’t as fortunate. It’s been interesting learning to cope with wearing a mask for eight hours, and it makes one appreciate what all medical workers have to endure under layers of PPE during a 12- or 16-hour shift.

I’ve been taking advantage of early mornings to avoid crowds while shopping. Only about a third of the people I see in public are wearing masks. I’ve heard a few people imply it’s only liberals who are wearing them. I plan to keep wearing a mask in public for the foreseeable future, ignorant comments be damned. Which makes me wish the president would wear a mask to set an example. It would undoubtedly help save lives. 

I’m sure I’m not the only one who has had Hans Christian Andersen’s tale “The Emperor’s New Clothes” in mind and this situation in which people are afraid to criticize because everyone else seems to think it is good or important. I just wonder when those who glorify Trump will notice he isn’t wearing anything at all — most importantly a mask.

Well, if I’ve learned nothing else during this, it’s these masks are a great breath check. I’ll keep one handy if I ever go on a date again.


Bridget Lewison

Bridget Lewison lives in rural Mohave County, Arizona. A former print and broadcast journalist, she now works in transportation and hosts the podcast Mohave Cunty. Follow Bridget on Twitter at @bridgetlewison