Vaccinated v. Unvaccinated

No Me Digas. Op-Ed: Keith Price

So, just as hope was on the horizon because of Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson (ick), and AstraZeneca, we were almost free from the clutches of a viral pandemic. The hope was quickly dashed to bits because we have allowed ignorance and  stupidity to reign supreme.  The numbers of COVID cases are rising past what there were BEFORE there was a vaccine.

Texas and Florida have one third of the reported new cases of COVID-19 in the entire country. The governors of those and other Republican-led states are keeping the numbers high. Our country has learned absolutely nothing from the trauma of losing over a half million Americans to this virus.  Now there are actual children dying from COVID-19 in those states.

I see that with as much actual information that is on the internet about COVID-19, vectors of transmissions, and mechanisms of viruses, people are still refusing to inform themselves.  Some people think that they are informing themselves by letting FOX news, OAN, and all of those ridiculous “news/media” entities and dangerous politicians (many of whom are keeping their vaccination status secret), just lead them to their deaths over the cliff like lemmings. I am not opposed to the herd being thinned, but like with secondary smoke, they are going to kill us, too.  I am often reminded that I was once a science major when I get into conversations with people who have absolutely NO SCIENCE backgrounds of their own. They are trying to tell me about viruses, etc. Sometimes, it’s laughable, and other times it is scary AF.  Why? Because they truly have no idea how dangerous their thinking and “knowledge” are to the rest of us.

The irony of the situation is not lost on me.  There is a rise in infection in a country with enough vaccines to protect the whole nation. WTF?  It is shameful when you think that there are less developed countries that would gladly take the surplus vaccine off of our hands, as we continue to fight with people to get vaccinated. I only wish that President Biden would make a bigger display of sending millions of doses to the poorer nations of the world. He could even sweeten it by saying that “all of these people of color will be given a new lease on life.”  I bet you Bubba, Mary Jo, and the rest of the clan will have a problem with us sending aid to other nations, especially if it benefits people of color worldwide.

How do you get people to understand the gravity of not dealing with this viral pandemic directly? The latest Scared Straight technique being used to get attention is people recording themselves or being interviewed from their possible deathbeds telling us that they were mistaken and foolish to not listen, while urging their friends and loved ones to get the vaccine.  Or worse, the videos of people talking all kinds of trash about COVID-19 and shortly thereafter dying of COVID-19.  Is that grim? Yes.  Is it helpful? Perhaps, but as I watch many of these videos, I have less sympathy for these people, and the more judgemental I get.  I admit that I am not perfect, but I know that I am not alone in that sentiment. COVID-19 confessions are like watching Tent Revivalists being bitten by the poisonous snakes in the burlap bag. At some point, God really does say “F**K around and find out,” and boy are we.

Get the freaking vaccine. Wear a Mask. Wash Your Hands. 

Keith Price

Hey! I'm a comedian, actor, podcaster, radio talk show host/producer, and Guest Critic for NY1 ONSTAGE. And, I loves me some Broadway. Check out my monthly column here and follow me at @comedydaddy. Get more at