What Are You Looking At?

No Me Digas. Op-Ed: Keith Price


“Look over there!” To quote RuPaul Drag Race Season 12 Winner Jaida Essence Hall,  in her challenge winning moment, this country is forced to look in so many other directions while this lame-duck administration does everything to leave nothing but dumpster fires for the incoming administration. If you are not paying attention to what is currently happening, then truly there is no hope for us as a nation. If you are willing to read this, then there is also a chance that you are the choir, and thanks to the Universal Life Ministries, I am the preacher.

For starters, we are still waiting to truly exhale as a nation. While we are forced to wait for the Electoral College to confirm the people’s choice for President and Vice-President, the current Oval Office occupant is spending countless amounts of other people’s money trying to convince the world that this “fraudulent” election has robbed him of his right to be commander-in-chief. In recount after wasteful recount and lawsuit after frivolous lawsuit, the answer is still the same, YOU ARE A LOSER, DONALD TRUMP. 

In his best narcissistic form, he recently went to “campaign” for  Senators Loeffler and Purdue, who are fighting to hold on to their seats in a runoff election, and he made it about his crisis.  I recently heard one of the many pundits say that he is committing deception against America, especially as he continues to raise money for the party and his legal efforts.  He is now threatening ranking members of his own party to literally undo the election.



Since the famous descent on the escalators of Trump Tower, this idiot has been in the news EVERY DAY! We have spent 4 years chasing ridiculous tweets, caring what Scott Baio and the My Pillow Guy think, and avoiding the real news of the day.  From allegedly auctioning pardons and land leases to the highest bidders to removing key officials in our Defense Department and continually dismissing any efforts to deal with a global pandemic, the potential for high yielding grift for this outgoing administration in a lame duck period is a shameless bounty.  The sensitive information that could be made available to the highest bidder, or to a country of oligarchs, all of whom may or may not have underwritten multi-million-dollar loans for a certain exiting president, all held by a German bank, but I digress.  

By withdrawing from the OPEN SKIES Treaty and destroying the actual planes used in the program, it appears that any information regarding Russian Intelligence normally found by us and shared with our allies, will not be making its usual rounds.  Many would say it seems so “sudden” that this is happening. I was surprised to learn that the plans of this withdrawal were quietly announced back in May of this year.  If you remember, the majority of the country was knee-deep in debates about mask-wearing, hydroxychloroquine promotions, receiving misinformation and misdirection during a lockdown.  Once again, Russian interests certainly come out a winner in this situation.  I wonder what things are happening right now that Russia may be doing that NO ONE will ever know is coming, especially a new administration. Coincidence or political paranoia? Only time will tell.

Luck is when opportunity meets preparedness. The COVID-19 pandemic, affectionately known as the Pink Elephant in the room, is the meeting of opportunity and “ill-preparedness”.   As we have learned through the brilliant, albeit, late reporting of Bob Woodward that Trump’s silence, misdirection, and avarice followed by his usual lies, have unleashed a plague on a nation. Considering that the rate of infection is over 13 million people and over a quarter of a million of those people infected have died.  It is hard to ignore what is in front of us.  Somehow it is not on the agenda of the current president like it hasn’t been from the very beginning. He continues to ignore the actual needs and fears of the majority of Americans, all while making the back nine and leaving behind a potential zombie apocalypse for the president-elect.

These are just a few examples of the many things happening that show how Trump and his fellow grifters kneecap the incoming administration, destroy the last few norms of our government,  and possibly kill everyone in the country, nay I say the planet. At this rate, will we make it to the Inauguration? I hope that we do. We are going to have to be more vigilant and focused on our gaze.  Why? Because as per usual, these things are being done in the cloak of darkness.

What are you looking at now?

Keith Price

Hey! I'm a comedian, actor, podcaster, radio talk show host/producer, and Guest Critic for NY1 ONSTAGE. And, I loves me some Broadway. Check out my monthly column here and follow me at @comedydaddy. Get more at http://keithpricecomic.com