Who Remembers Jeane Dixon

No Me Digas. Op-Ed: Keith Price

At the year’s end, the predictions of psychics fill the newsstands and electronic airwaves.  Jeane Dixon was my generation’s go-to tabloid psychic.  I want to think of myself as a touch psychic because the amount of dread that I felt that fateful morning when it was clear that Trump was going to be president was palpable.  I know now that I was not the only person feeling that dread.  Honestly, could we have predicted that every minute of the news cycle would have been dominated by the rage tweeting of a hormonal teenager masquerading as the commander-in-chief?  Did we think that his presidency would include children in cages at our border who might never see their parents again?

We would never have even thought the racial tensions could get any higher than they already were. It was unthinkable that his sociopathic and psychopathic tendencies coupled with his greed would ultimately be responsible for unleashing a viral plague on a nation, but here we are.

When I made the comparison of the current occupant of the Oval Office to a virus, a few people were quick to say that I was being harsh and hyperbolic. I understand the job of a virus is to infect a host cell, weakening it enough to make it vulnerable to outside entities, and ultimately destroying the host cell.  By filling his administration with his friends and political donors and disrupting the normal function of the country for his own personal agenda, he truly has made the country as vulnerable as an AIDS patient near the end of their fight. If you can picture the United States as a host cell, then you can see the similarities.

There are two vaccines for COVID, and on January 20, 2021, at 12:01 pm, the vaccine for the nation will arrive.  I just hope that the Trump infection does not leave the U.S. government too weak to get any relief from the vaccine.   During the next few weeks, until this madman is officially ousted by the promise of our democratic process, we must stay vigilant of his administrative chicanery and keep his craziness to a minimum.  Sadly, this means that we cannot even enjoy the transition period.

As the Biden/Harris administration makes mention of the continued work that must be done, like dealing with the pandemic, working on election reform, and dabbling in solutions to the racial tensions, we must also make changes that this country never thought that it would have to make. 

Since the office of the President has been violated, disrespected, and defamed, the Biden/Harris administration should first invest in as much white sage as is available.  The amount of spiritual cleansing that the White House is going to need is almost immeasurable. Considering that it was also COVID central, a good disinfecting will be required. In addition to the saging and sterilizing, someone in the new administration will have to review EVERY violation of trust to the office that Trump has perpetuated and start working on written enforceable laws to address each and every one of them.

Because the Office of the President is truly an honor for which only a few are chosen, this explains why former presidents showed a sense of reverence to the office. Trump is someone who has proven by his many actions over a lifetime to have no honor. His blatant disregard for the work of our forefathers (The Constitution, the rules of law, and the ongoing experiment of Democracy) should not surprise anyone. If we dealt with repeat offender Trump the way the law normally does to common people without honor, then we could have been living through a Pence presidency. I am not sure which one would be worse, but I do not want to be Gwenyth Paltrow in SLIDING DOORS and find out, either.  

Now that we prepare to flip the calendar page and start the year anew, so much hope and change are riding on this incoming administration.  And like many other Republican to Democrat transitions of power, the country is once again left in a giant stinking heap of poop surrounded by dumpster fires.  ALL of which have been created, fostered and supported by this administration and the beneficiaries of the created chaos. 

Let’s just hope that when we do make it to the calendar New Year’s Day, we are still here, and when we get to the prorated New Year’s Day (January 20, 2021, at Noon), that the Georgia U.S. senators are blue.  There are so many dumpster fires to put out and so much crap to clean up in 2021.  But now that the country is more “woke” than before, my prediction for the new year is that we are all going to have to be a part of the cleanup crew. So stay engaged and focused, because the real work is coming. 

Happy New Year.  Wear a mask. Wash your hands. Stay Distanced.

Keith Price

Hey! I'm a comedian, actor, podcaster, radio talk show host/producer, and Guest Critic for NY1 ONSTAGE. And, I loves me some Broadway. Check out my monthly column here and follow me at @comedydaddy. Get more at http://keithpricecomic.com