You Are Mad Now?
No Me Digas. Op-Ed: Keith Price

Oooh chile!! 2022 has started off with President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. getting mad as hell, and he’s not taking it anymore. So far the recent speeches of our duly elected president threw all kinds of delicious political shade that we have been waiting to hear. He is calling for his Democrats to get in Beyonce-like formation and handle the business of this country, once and for all.
While chastising those unvaccinated people, Pres. Biden has called out folks’ behavior from the January 6th Capitol Riots as domestic terrorism. He also dragged “the defeated former president” and his grievances for filth, and yet never mentioned the scoundrel’s name. He most recently wants to see the end of the filibuster and the security of voter rights without mentioning the names of the Democratic senators who are standing in the way. You must respect the shade.
However with all of this political mudslinging, the missing component that would compliment all of this shade is action. As a Diana Ross loving, finger popping queen, I LIVE for the shade, but as an American citizen, I prefer stuff getting done. The anger that President Biden is showing is the anger that only a white man in power can express, and people will at least listen because he is a white man. I often think that if he had walked into the gig with this ire immediately, then we would be further ahead because people would have taken him seriously from the beginning. Now, the pundits are all trying to “gauge” his level of anger to see if anything is going to happen.
Like President Obama, Pres. Biden walked into the White House with both a majority in the House and the Senate, albeit razor thin. Sadly, Pres. Obama did not have the luxury of being able to express anger in office nor wear a tan suit. Let’s face it. No black man, even as the President of the United States, can afford the consequences of public anger, but I digress. As we have witnessed, this position has still made negotiating for the American majority that voted for Biden and his agenda, a tad bit precarious. The constant back and forth with a minority that is hell bent on exacerbating more chaos versus working to calm situations down and solve problems is exhausting to watch as a citizen.
Now that the verbal gauntlet has dropped, what do you think the actual plan is? My guess is probably nothing. I know that it is pessimistic, but it is REALLY hard to be optimistic. Simply look at the time that has been wasted being diplomatically nice that could have been used to really address voting rights. Do you remember when Rep. Jasmine Crockett from Texas and that huge delegation of state Democrats protested the voting laws that were being put on the books?

They came to speak to the nation’s leaders to talk about how serious the threats to voter rights were. That fiery speech about dealing with the filibuster and those “pesky folks” that are getting in the way of his agenda, would have been the perfect compliment to the actions of these folks in the moment. They risked MORE than ANY of our nation’s elected officials allegedly serving the public, and their efforts were met with the excitement of an over ripened banana. So many months later, NOW he’s mad.
Let’s hope that our President harnesses that new found anger into a politically direct groin kick to those who need it. I won’t mention any names, but we ALL know who should be in line.
Wear a mask. Wash your hands. Stay Distanced.