You Say You Want a Revolution

No Me Digas. Op-Ed: Keith Price



I was having a hard time finishing another piece. I missed its deadline because, like many Americans and people worldwide trying to enjoy the first week of the New Year, I watched the home invasion of the U.S. Capitol building by a bunch of white terrorists. Yes, they are terrorists. NO, they are not patriots. NO, they are not true Americans. They are a bunch of overgrown, immature, ignorant, and entitled man-children who somehow think the world is against them.  Their disrespect of the Constitution, the rules of law,  and this country’s sense of propriety was on full display, along with their sense of privilege.  They were ginned up by the likes of Rudy Guiliani, Donald Trump, Sr. and Junior to go and “stop the steal.” Those rabid lemmings wasted no time to storm the Capitol following their marching orders like the demented MAGA infused soldiers they are.




The news coverage here is interesting because the terms used to describe everything happening range from an act of terrorism and sedition to the actions of just a bunch of knuckleheads. I am still in a little denial because watching it in real-time left me, and I am sure you, too, with that “WTF?” look coupled with about ten to fifteen minutes of stunned silence.  When I watch it from another country’s viewpoint, like England’s ITV News, the embarrassment we now have to share floods my soul.  How do we hold our heads up in the world when it is clear to them that we have let the patients run the asylum? 




Now that we are on the other side of it, varying schools of thought are holding virtual classes.  Some are actually surprised that this is happening in America, and some are now showing their frustration and anger. I watched Joe Scarborough the morning after the fracas while waiting for my morning coffee, and honey,  he had me channeling my inner Queer Amen Corner.



As ridiculous as my response may seem, I realize that Mr. Scarborough represents a demographic that has finally had it with all of the foolishness, and now stuff is gonna have to start happening, or he is going to really start showing out.  This is the white male rage that would have been helpful before 2015, but I digress.

The Pink Elephant in the room certainly is the race question.  Would those protesters have gotten that far if they had been Black Lives Matter? Angry LatinX? Or Muslims? We all know the answer, and it is worth mentioning.  After rewatching those moments before the actual event, imagine the thought process from the officers’ perspective. If a swarm of dark-skinned folks came charging at them the same way, then it would not have been that calm.

I guess if the National Guard had been there preemptively, just like for the peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters that were goaded by law enforcement, then perhaps their peaceful  #STOPTHESTEAL protest would have stayed peaceful, huh? It feels a little separate but equal to me.  However, I think that Joy Reid breaks it down beautifully. Break it DOWN!



One remarkable thing to come from the insurrection that should be highlighted: In addition to the “civilians” who participated in the coup attempt, there are also numbers of elected Republican lawmakers from various strata of public service and regions of the country that regret quenching their social media thirst by broadcasting their insurrectional participation. Even a few “upstanding” businessmen are having second thoughts. 

As people continue to analyze how this craziness could happen,  I remember predicting something along this line back in May 2020.  This behavior emboldens these unchecked forces.  The fact that these animals breached the building, defiled Speaker Pelosi and Senate Minority Schumer’s office, and have gotten 5 people killed, all in the name of Trump, is pretty sad.  Luckily, they are starting to round up these rapscallions like Richard Barnett of Arkansas.



This man and his actions are repugnant. You know that we will find out that he probably is somebody’s Sunday School teacher or church deacon reclaiming his God-given rights as an American, or so he thinks.  He looks like so many other white men that I encounter throughout the day. He looks like some of the lifelong friends that I know would never behave like this; at least I hope that they don’t. He even looks like the guys that I used to meet in the bars.  So, my distrust of random white people stems from the fact that I cannot tell who my enemy is. 

During the Vietnam War, the American soldiers were told to strike at the North Vietnamese to help the South Vietnamese.  Oddly enough, it was hard for our troops to tell the difference between who was from what part. Usually, it is the one with the guns and bombs heading towards you. After these historical events, fair and reason minded,  upstanding white people are now scared and angry. We have been trying to tell you all, but to paraphrase my mama, hard ears make a soft behind. Your privilege clearly is not going to save you from your crazy ass cousins now.  You better call them out and let them be punished under the same law(s) that you would expect for anyone else.     

Wear a mask. Wash your hands. Stay Distanced.

Keith Price

Hey! I'm a comedian, actor, podcaster, radio talk show host/producer, and Guest Critic for NY1 ONSTAGE. And, I loves me some Broadway. Check out my monthly column here and follow me at @comedydaddy. Get more at