You’re Next, Good White People

No Me Digas. Op-Ed: Keith Price

I will not let the fact that the only violence that occurred during a peaceful protest was caused by a teenager who crossed state lines, obtained an illegal assault weapon, took it to a protest under the guise of protecting property that does not belong to him or his ACTUAL neighbors, killed two people, injured a third, claimed self defense, and walked free, be clouded by what really is happening.  Now that the Kenosha Kid Killer has been found “Not Guilty” of his falsely claimed vigilante justice, it is clear that America is entering a very scary place.  I am sure that he now has an agent and/or a PR person.  Remember that the My Pillow Guy, Ricky Schroeder, and Fox News all have so much invested in him. He may have escaped the hell of jail, but being the poster boy for earthly Satan and his minions won’t be easy, either.

The justice system has made it clear that “right versus wrong” will be lost in a courtroom, just like “white versus black.”  Everyone has to be in some sort of agreement that this case and verdict have more holes in it than baby swiss cheese.  This kid and his current resume walk free amongst us with a job offer from Matt Gaetz. How’s that for irony?  Matt Gaetz looking to pay for underage services. 

Now, I can spend oodles of time addressing the fact that this trial was going to be a hot mess from the beginning.  It starts with the judge and every opportunity he took to derail the wheels of justice in the name of white power. Don’t get me started about those crocodile tears that young man tried to shed on the stand.  I will admit that my distrust of this whole scene also includes the lack of tenacity and ferocity that the prosecution exhibited, as well as, the possibility of jury tampering in a small town.  I’d love to look at the cases that have been put before this judge and compare the rate of prosecution versus acquittal, demographically speaking of course. 

Because the shooting did not involve people of color, the discourse has been forced to remain “both sides” and civil. The gun toting, Proud Boys supporting, conservative, white people are celebrating their triumph on preserving their misguided interpretation of the Second Amendment.  Meanwhile, their libtard, democracy loving, respectful to the rules of law, white relatives should be getting scared.  People of color have had to deal with the continued irrational fears and hatred of those gun toting white folks for many years while they shook fingers, said many disparaging words, and did despicable acts.  Although horrified, the good white folks never really tried to curb that anger nor put a stop to the tyranny.  Many have simply enjoyed the benefits without having to feel a sense of sacrifice, especially when justifying their lack of action to help their BIPOC or LGBTQ “friends” deal with their not so great “relatives.” 

Now the table has turned with this “not guilty” verdict. The current legal system,especially law enforcement, has always made it possible for many white people to defend themselves by shooting black people.  The Kenosha Kid has opened the floodgates to shoot liberal-leaning white people, especially those who find themselves defending people of color.

One of my favorite legal commentators, Joyce Vance,  asked the question, “are we safer?”  I know she meant as “Americans” do we feel safer? Her question led me to believe she had a deeper worry.  This verdict goes to show that good white Americans ALSO need to be afraid of their angry, gun toting, white relatives like we, as BIPOC, have been telling them for decades.

I believe the solution to this rests in the hands of those good white people who have been concerned but sit on the sidelines, while many of their family members terrorize the rest of us at churches, school board meetings, and even in the halls of Congress.  Now they are starting to realize that the terror can, and apparently will, turn on them.  They are now going to have to catch up to the rest of us and join the fight in a way that will be uncomfortable.  It will not be perfect.  They will see ugliness that will be at times shocking. No matter how unbelievable, Ru Paul says it best. They are gonna have to “step up their p****ies” to stop this insanity or just sashay away.

Get Vaccinated. Wash your Hands. Wear a mask when indoors at public places other than your own home.

Keith Price

Hey! I'm a comedian, actor, podcaster, radio talk show host/producer, and Guest Critic for NY1 ONSTAGE. And, I loves me some Broadway. Check out my monthly column here and follow me at @comedydaddy. Get more at