Find The Silver Lining

Op-Ed: Bridget Lewison

Coronavirus, Covid-19, or “The Rona,” as the kids are calling it. Whatever you’re calling it, I’m doing my best to take care of the part of me that somehow still thinks we’re going to be OK. Self-care and hope is what I’m investing in.

It officially arrived in rural Mohave County, Arizona, on March 24, although I suspect it’s “unofficially” been here for months. At the time of this writing, we’re up to three cases. This will change, as hair salons and many other businesses remain open.

But, we will be OK. I’m seeing our anxiety and fear turn into acts of courage and kindness. You may have seen a popular Reddit post about rival countries finding common ground during this nightmare. It references an Agence France-Presse article about the Japanese government sending a plane loaded with personal protective equipment to the Chinese city of Wuhan. A Tang-dynasty poem was affixed to the parcels:

“Foreign lands separated by mountains and rivers, we share the wind and moon under the same sky.”

Newsweek also reported about a Chinese electronics company donating thousands of FFP3 masks to Italy. On the boxes, the ancient Roman philosopher Seneca was quoted:

“We are waves of the same sea, leaves of the same tree, flowers of the same garden.”

A friend who owns a local gourmet bakery posted about the human kindness he observed while making deliveries, including a very large tip to help cover the costs of bread for those in need. Another local business helped him obtain supplies he no longer could source, and at no extra cost. Many others have commented on how nice people are being, holding doors open, and offering a smile during stressful supermarket situations.

Given the divisive political environment we live in, I have been pleasantly surprised by all this goodwill. It inspired me to start a hashtag on social media. Here are some of my #coronavirussilverlinings:

“No school = no school shootings.”

“What if this leads to permanent, nationwide mail-in ballots?”

“Somewhere, there’s a single mom or dad who got to experience their child’s first word or first steps because they were home together, and not separated by work and daycare.”

Let’s all look for the silver lining.



Bridget Lewison

Bridget Lewison lives in rural Mohave County, Arizona. A former print and broadcast journalist, she now works in transportation and hosts the podcast Mohave Cunty. Follow Bridget on Twitter at @bridgetlewison