Once, Twice, Three Times A Lady

No Me Digas. Op-Ed: Keith Price


It seems that within days of Rudy Guiliani and his crackerjack, SNL mock worthy legal team pursuing their claims of voter fraud in Michigan, members of the committee who rejected their bogus claims are now being harassed and threatened by the ragtag but getting bolder by the day, #STOPTHESTEAL Trumpkins. Michigan’s Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson, says armed protesters gathered outside her home were  “shouting obscenities and chanting into bullhorns in the dark of night.”  This is happening while she is with her 4-year-old child, decorating their home for Christmas. 


One caller boldly left another committee member, Michigan state Rep. Cynthia A.Johnson, D-Detroit, a message that she should be “swinging from a … rope.”  The reason for the call is because Rep. Johnson dared ask questions during those hearings.  The one thing that I do know from watching the clips of Rep. Johnson is that they picked the WRONG one with whom to mess, honey. Sadly, speaking out against those threats got her stripped of her committee duties by the GOP majority in her state. Let it be known that this punitive response is coming from the same GOP Majority leaders who stood with the armed protesters during the “FREE MICHIGAN” moments and recently visited with President Trump to discuss changing the election results.

This type of news is not uncommon for Michigan, considering that their current governor, Gretchen Whitmer, was recently targeted by a failed kidnapping plot. However, a few states over in Idaho, Commissioner Diana Lachiondo had to leave the health and safety Zoom meeting because she was alerted via text messages about protesters outside her home threatening it and her 12-year-old son inside.






I know that sometimes I come across as cynical, but I feel like this needs to be reiterated from time to time: some of these white folks are crazy. Why are people doing this? Because they hate being told to wear masks? Because they “believe” that the election results have been corrupted? They also believe that Trump deserves this term and beyond.

This statement may seem judgemental AF, but I am tired of these crazy folks hiding up in the wilderness and behaving as if they are living in some sort of movie, like RED DAWN or LORD OF THE FLIES.  I think that the movie we are really living in is THEY LIVE. Google it.

In addition to the insanity of these #STOPTHESTEAL creatures, we continue to hold our collective breath waiting for a COVID vaccine. Distribution has just started in London.  There have been attacks on every official who has tried to encourage scientifically supported facts in every part of this country, and the internet is littered with people not responding well to being told to wear a mask.

These folks constantly target Dr. Fauci, but the most recent target, Rebekah Jones, had her home invaded by law enforcement sent by the state of Florida, under the direction of the governor and super spreader enabler, Ron Desantis. Her family was threatened by gun-toting officials exercising a warrant for her computers.  She was responsible for creating Florida’s dashboard for all things COVID and then unceremoniously fired for not wanting to lie and withhold the actual numbers. She clearly has been threatened and most certainly blackballed by her own state government for doing the right thing.

With so much anger already in the world, these incidents continue an ugly and prevalent subtext of misogynistic rage against these women. In addition to the many ladies of the Congressional Squad, there are numerous threats constantly being aimed at mayors and state officials in cities like Chicago, Atlanta, and San Francisco (cities led by women of color, too).  Lately, it seems for women in politics who are advocating real change and order — if they don’t stifle you, they want to kidnap and kill you.

Among the many reasons that contributed to the defeat of Sec. Clinton in the 2016 election, people believe that misogyny fueled with a high unlikeability factor was key.  The residual effects of that energy aimed at high profile, competent, female candidates, and officeholders did not just magically go away. From “Lock her up!” to “Let’s kidnap, try, and execute her,” the sentiments have been sanctioned by this lame-duck administration.

Now I know that a few male elected officials have recently publicly punched back when attacked. They, too, have had some problems with these #STOPTHESTEAL folks, like Georgia’s  Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger. He’s a Republican who actually VOTED for President Donald Trump twice and is now SHOCKED by the recent events happening to him and his family.  In Atlanta, election official, Gabriel Sterling, boldly stood in front of cameras to express his justified, caucasian male anger, when they started threatening his family and a poor struggling student, probably his son or daughter’s boyfriend, working in the I.T. department of his office.

Even former Sec. of State now Governor, Brian Kemp, is getting personal calls from Trump in addition to the threats from these #STOPTHESTEAL cultists.  As shocking as it is, please note that Brian Kemp is the same person who allegedly STOLE his current seat by engaging in all kinds of voter suppression shenanigans as Sec. of State.  Some of which are back just in time for the Senatorial runoff election in January.  People might say that his current election entanglement is Miss Karma swooping in wearing one of her Swarovski Crystal studded, fuchsia capes. How mad at themselves are Kemp and Trump for underestimating Stacey Abrams now? But I digress.

These Neanderthal men with guns, misspelled signage, and tiki torches are clearly exercising their small penis energy trying to force us in general, and women more specifically, to do their bidding. And during this “Grab Them By The P***y” Presidency, this all feels like the next step in their behavioral development.

Let’s not forget the player-hating women that have co-signed with these cretins in marriage (or other coupling options) and participate in those protests.  They must do it because they are sexually frustrated (you can only do so much with small dick energy at home), OR they must be subconsciously jealous of those other women for taking charge and leading as smart, confident, public servants. Those qualities might not be in their personage, and if they are, they are not being nourished in their current home environments.  The attitude of “those bitches must be brought down and put in their place” is probably a big part of that toxic rationale.

Yet these brave women on the right side of history, science,  and the law are now in the crosshairs of willful ignorance and toxic masculinity.  As a country, we are going to have to do better by these courageous women. Those toxic idiots are doing their best to not only subvert Democracy but on a subconscious level, keep smart and brave women from entering politics.  Call me weird, but isn’t supporting these women equally and keeping them secure to do their jobs as their male counterparts a step towards gender equality and dealing with misogyny simultaneously? Considering that straight, white men mostly run the major media outlets, I don’t think this message of treating women better, especially the better treatment of women of color, will get reported widely. Hopefully, this will serve as a start.  


Keith Price

Hey! I'm a comedian, actor, podcaster, radio talk show host/producer, and Guest Critic for NY1 ONSTAGE. And, I loves me some Broadway. Check out my monthly column here and follow me at @comedydaddy. Get more at http://keithpricecomic.com