Short Term Memory Loss While Drunk With Rage
No Me Digas. Op-Ed: Keith Price
I was hanging out with a friend of mine last week, and he said something that caught my ear. He said that the craziness that we seem to be witnessing is folks once thirsty for attention, who are now just “drunk with rage.” The words rang in my ear. My mind instantly went to the people who were screaming with such a fevered pitch at those doctors after the school board meeting in Tennessee. They were saying things like “I know where you live!”, and it sounded like verbal pitchforks being hurled by angry townspeople at Frankenstein, or tiki torch toting racists. Nowadays, it really is hard to tell the difference.
There seems to be a sector of this country that is drunk on many things besides cases of Schlitz beer and Moonshine. The drunken quest for power has ripped this country in half. So much so, that with American Democracy being strangled, voting rights being attacked, Global Warming, a viral pandemic, the fall of Afghanistan, and so many other front burner issues, things are not being addressed properly. We have citizens now threatening scientists and medical professionals, because they will not be told to get a vaccine, a vaccine passport, nor will they be told to wear a mask. Even though vaccines and masks are proven to be the safest way to navigate this variant strain by actual “look outside of your ridiculously willful ignorant ass” scientific facts.
True to form, Americans have such short term memories. I know why I have short term memory moments, but I digress. This time last year, there was no vaccine. There were thoughts and prayers for some sort of cure or help to be able to get back to normal. And by building on research started during the H1N1- SARS virus outbreak, the final piece needed to solve the mystery was discovered over a weekend. It is the miracle of answered prayer, right? Yet, these same “thoughts and prayer” mother-scratchers are behaving like the Illuminati and The Devil have overtaken the inner workings of viral research worldwide and will turn us all into apes and aliens, or something like that.
Needless to say, these are the same people who believe the earth was created in 7 days and that every species of animal in the entire world fit on a boat with a family of at least 10 people, and no real bathroom. I am not sure about you, but how does anyone do a #2 with all of those eyes staring at you like in prison and no real toilet paper? Really? ALL of that seems definitely plausible in today’s time, doesn’t it?
Considering the segment of our population that many of these angry screaming people represent, is the fact that it was a Black woman that put the final piece together for the vaccine, an unspoken piece of this resistance to it?

Anyhoo, as I again reference those short term memory deficient Americans with children, you were stuck at home, or in a car trying to steal the Wi-fi from Walmart and McDonald’s to make sure that your children were being educated, while sitting through a pandemic with no reasonable end in sight. Now there is a vaccine for all of the adults who are teaching, feeding, driving around, and cleaning up after your “little darlings” that are under the age of 12. It SHOULD be taken, because YOU do not want THEM to infect your kids, and bring that stuff home to you. The kids wearing masks can ensure that does not happen.
Let’s have some real talk. NOW if their little asses are back in a classroom that you know is safe, then you can physically get back to work, do uninterrupted ZOOM work meetings, or just binge shows on NETFLIX. You can eat more than tater tots and chicken fingers for lunch, because you can go out to a real restaurant, especially if you are vaccinated, too. Or better yet, have that morning Mimosa while watching Wendy Williams, because you know the vaccinated school bus driver is not infecting your child. And since the kids are wearing their masks, they don’t spread it amongst themselves, get sick, or worse. Sounds like a win-win, right? But, nooooooo, the whole process is being met by crazy people on both sides of the issue.
So, as the middle-aged gay guy who does not have children and only invests in your kids upbringing because it means that they won’t rob me or worse on the subways, I beseech you people to step back and ask yourself, with all of the true information available about getting vaccinated, along with the rise in the number of cases and deaths again, “is getting the vaccine as the adult in your family to protect your OWN suceptible kids worth being a political/religious issue?” While your kids are safely masked and back in school with ALL of those vaccinated staff members, you as a vaccinated parent can catch a matinee of a movie, because you’re vaccinated, too. Doesn’t that seem way more normal than this time last year?
Most blackout drunks never remember what they did the night before, especially if they are the ones who started the drunken brawl. Now add short term memory loss, and it seems that we have a clear picture into the mindset of a few of these anti-vax/ anti-mask/ pro-life Americans that are threatening the livelihood and lives of the people working desperately to rid or control this pandemic. When they awake from their drunken blackout, I want them to please take an aspirin or Tylenol for their hangover with tons of water, instead of their constant choice of the hair of the dog because it is making them look crazy and scarily dangerous. As for helping the short term memory loss, thank God for the internet and camera phones keeping the receipts.
Wear a mask. Wash your hands. Stay Distanced.