What Have You Lost?

No Me Digas. Op-Ed: Keith Price

As we get closer to ending this nightmare of an election cycle, I was reminded that while campaigning in 2016, Trump asked African-American voters, what did we have to lose? It feels like everything. We’ve lost jobs during a pandemic that has spilled over into the economy. Our chances of dying at a faster rate because of the pandemic increase daily. Do not get me started on all of the voter suppression being kicked into overdrive because of him. What’s so crazy is — I haven’t even scratched the surface of the crap pile that we have ALL endured under this regime. Now that it seems the administration has given up trying to fight COVID, we truly are left to fend for ourselves.   



Since most of the time, it’s really about ME, I started thinking about what I have lost under this crazy regime. This time last year, I was podcasting, telling jokes, sending out feelers for cruise ship work, auditioning, seeing live theater, going to movies, eating in restaurants, visiting my elderly family members and friends (or being the elderly one visited), planning a vacation, regular people job hunting, etc. The list seemed endless. It only scratches the surface of my pre-COVID19 life. Have you had a moment to think about the things that you’ve lost? Start now. How far down the list did you get before you started getting pissed?


As we watch our tried and true norms (like relying on actual scientists to disseminate life-saving information during a pandemic) get crushed to bits by this current administration along with civility, I’d like to add something else to the ether. If the plan is to snatch healthcare from millions of people during a pandemic without a reasonable alternative on the deck while conducting herd immunity experiments at your super spreader events, then so far things are looking up for the current administration. Now that this administration has added its next justice, many things are looking up even more so for them. However, if he and his cronies win this election cycle, especially after surrendering efforts to contain the virus, then millions of folks are going to be left without healthcare and possibly COVID as a new pre-existing condition. Good luck to them getting healthcare at their next gig, assuming they can find one even offering benefits.   


However, think of what happens when he loses. He will have successfully infected major sectors of our population with an ever-changing virus. By Inauguration Day, the country will have been left further unsupervised while warring with science for another 3 months. Who knows what will happen to the economy during what will be a smash and grab free-for-all with this administration? In the interim, our medical services and employees will be overworked and stretched beyond limits until the transition, peaceful or not. It will take another 3 or 6 months of the new administration trying to bring down the infection rates, while still safely and quickly trying to find some sort of vaccine and repairing every possible cabinet, judiciary, and consulate appointment. In every case, rampant stupidity will succeed in killing us, if we do not get our s*** together as a country.


Yes, there is a disproportionate number of black and brown folks dealing with losses, but there is a crap ton of other AMERICANS who have lost their jobs, insurance, savings, and even their lives. There may be demographic breakdowns that will exhibit more of the inherent disparities of this once great nation as this disease continues to kick our collective asses.


But just like the finale of the Last Jedi, it will take everyone from Lady Jedi, the Black former Stormtrooper/Pilot, the clearly Arab/ possibly Muslim or Latinx Pilot, the Hot Black Lady Warrior and her friends, Lando Calrissian with his Colt 45 Realness, the entire Rebel Outfit with all of those odd-looking aliens from around the Universe, and some Ewoks to kick the toxic Emperor’s ass. The symbolism is so apparent to me now, because it is going to take an army of ALL of us working together to stop all of this crazy in its tracks, and somehow control this virus.  


Now that we really have a clear understanding of what everyone is losing, please wear a mask. Wash your hands, and vote for what you know is right. 


Keith Price

Hey! I'm a comedian, actor, podcaster, radio talk show host/producer, and Guest Critic for NY1 ONSTAGE. And, I loves me some Broadway. Check out my monthly column here and follow me at @comedydaddy. Get more at http://keithpricecomic.com